Leonard Cohen's original version and Jeff Buckley's cover are equally emotional and meaningful, and their meanings have transcended through time and cultural bounds to spread hope and love. But before there was Hallelujah there was Leonard Cohen.
Leonard Cohen began his career in Canada as a writer and wrote quite a few pieces, but frustrated with his lack financial success he moved to the United States in 1967 to pursue a career as a folk singer/songwriter. Cohen quickly caught the attention of Columbia Records leading A & R man John Hammond. Hammond invited Leonard to lunch one day and following lunch Hammond asked Leonard if he could hear him play some of his songs back at his home on 222 West Twenty-Third Street. Cohen agreed and hang to him for hours playing songs like "Suzanne," "The Stranger Song," "The Jewels in Your Shoulder," and several others. When he concluded his performing, Hammond sat there smiling and said, "You've got it"[2] . On February 22, 1967 Leonard made his live debut as a singer in New York at a benefit concert. At first Cohen didn't seem like he'd make an appearance, he even said "I can't sing and I certainly can't perform,"[3]/but he warmed up to the idea and performed. Unfortunately his first performance went horribly, he being described as "unbelievably flat" and he only managed to sing four lines of "Suzanne." Leonard didn't see it that way though, in a letter dated February 23, 1967 he concluded by saying, "Everybody backstage was very sorry for me and they couldn't believe how happy I was, how relieved I was that it had all come to nothing, that I had never been so free"[4] . Despite his awful performance John Hammond didn't give up on Cohen and on April 26, 1967 Hammond signed Cohen to a record deal. He was officially a recording artist. Since being signed to Columbia Records Leonard recorded 12 studio albums, 6 live albums, and 5 compilation albums.
Considering the fact that modernity is a phase of thought or the "spirit of enlightenment rationalism" how does one represent the outcome of the interaction of such a transient agent of history with the cultural monolith (read as tradition) of the country concerned -India. ... However I distort it's meaning a little. ... (Hence the phrase ethno-euthanasia) One again suddenly realises that hallelujah from where at all did the word "modernity" show up. ...
A former choir member myself, I am accustomed to singing or hearing the Hallelujah chorus every winter during the Christmas season. ... The Messiah concluded with His Yoke Is Easy and the Hallelujah Choruses. The Hallelujah Chorus is one of my favorite pieces of music ever composed. ... One of the most phenomenal aspects of the Hallelujah Chorus is the tradition of the entire audience standing throughout the chorus. ... When King George II heard the words "The Kingdom of this world- he rose to his feet and remained standing throughout the entire Hallelujah chorus. ...
Write a semiotic analysis of a cultural artefact of your choice. By means of a semiotic analysis I am going to demonstrate how the cultural artefact I have chosen, in this case a CD front cover uses various signs to denote a response or feeling to its reader. To be able to do this I need to have a basic understanding of semiotics and the inseparability of the signifier and signified which together make up a sign from which we read and derive a meaning. ... I conclude from my analysis that this cultural artefact connotes an image of the world being in disrepair and the need to start a ne...
Tonight the A Cappella choir, Choral Union, Women's choir and the SFA Chamber Orchestra all performed the Christmas part of the Messiah. Usually when I hear the Messiah performed, there are only four soloists that sing the whole time. I get sick and tired of hearing just one person per part. In t...
Quantitative analysis consists of seven steps that are used in its approach. ... It is used to develop a clear, concise statement of the problem at hand, which will give direction and meaning to the remaining six steps. ... Quantitative analysis models consist of two types of variables: 1. ... The next step, step six, is to perform a sensitivity analysis. ... Implementation should be based on the quantitative analysis results. ...
In human sciences such as psychology and anthropology, we study the concept of cultural relativism . ... Knowledge about cultural relativism can provide meaning in our lives as it allows us to understand our personal behavior and that of ones around us in a cultural context. ... However, knowledge of cultural relativism cannot successfully provide purpose in life, as it does not help in setting or achieving goals. ... Therefore, by Chomsky's definition, cultural relativism does indeed provide purpose in life. ... Under the biological level of analysis in psychology, we study that mental i...
"Culture is a learned, shared, compelling, interrelated set of symbols whose meanings provide a set of orientations for members of a society. ... In order market cross-culturally, marketers must determine the cultural viability of markets. ... Product acceptance is affected by culturally based attitudes towards change. ... Errors can occur due to a variety of cross-cultural differences. ... A major objective of current cross-cultural marketing research is the identification of functionally equivalent and non-equivalent issues through descriptive studies and other qualitative analysis. ...