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Surface Restaurant and Public Relations

            Public relations can be defined as a "vital" part of maintaining the stability and the image of an organisation. Therefore, in order for any organisation to succeed, the analysis of the organisation's publics and stakeholders should be conducted. It is undeniably significant for any kind of enterprises to have the basic knowledge of its own external and internal publics. This essay aims to examine the various publics of an Italian restaurant - "Surface" - including the evaluation of each public normatively, demographically, and psychographically.
             The superior restaurant, Surface, is all about the best produce showcased on plates in simplicity and bringing out the finest taste of the classic Italian dishes. In the cozy garden-like environment, Surface provides and serves only the highest quality of the carefully selected ingredients and home-grown seasonal vegetables. Although Surface started in 2012 as a small operation, Surface's popularity has been expanding noticeably throughout the last few years.
             Surface consists of two basic types of publics: (1) Internal Publics and (2) External Publics. Internal publics are individuals who are employed and are the representatives of those particular organisations. Surface's internal publics include (1) Shareholders/Owners, (2) Manager, (3) PR staffs, (4) Chefs, (5) Waitress/Waiters, (6) Accountants, and (7) Cleaners. Meanwhile, external publics are people and organisations outside of the company. For example, (1) Competitors, (2) Customers, (3) Food suppliers, (4) Public agencies, (5) Government regulatory agency, and (6) Landlord.
Surface's stakeholders shown in the tables below are listed in orders according to their priority ranking determined by the calculation method of PVI (Public Vulnerability Index).
             Firstly, the highest value of I (Importance of Audience to Organisation) is the shareholders and owners of Surface, which indicates that it is the first primary public.

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