The boards can be both friends and enemies to you. Depending on lots of oil and the way your ball acts to different line conditions, you are going to want to line up your feet to the left hand side of the line. When you get familiar with your hook, you can control your set-up. Beginning with your right-foot on the central dot on the approach is the best way to test how much the lines are hooking. It is important to control your feet similarly together to keep alignment.
Keep with your heels various inches from the foul lane. Take the number of steps in going away from the line to decide your beginning position. If you have a 5-step approach take 5 steps, etc. You then want to goal to throw your ball at one of the arrows on the line. The important way to goal is to utilize the arrow marks or the dots that are before the arrows on the line. So you have to start off aiming somewhere around the third arrow on the left, rolling over these arrows, and then hook from the dry dot of the line all the way behind the 1-2 pocket.
Have your arm straight the whole way through your swing completely. In addition, Having your arm pushed too far back to you or opening far away from your body can make a bad angle when you throw the ball. It's easiest to adjust your arm if you control your push away. As you start to throw the ball out of the swing, make sure that your palm is under the ball. Now, as the ball begins to attach your ankle, you want to spin the ball so that when you open your hand, this is on the side of the ball and under it, as if you were having a football to roll an underhand spiral. A good method to repeat this technique is to actually roll an underhand spiral with a football; the most similar physics are involved. You can also play with a tennis ball. If you gain it right, it'll throw straight and bounce to the side.
Have the necessary control. When you are comfortable with your way and can practice it properly on a basis, you can learn to control your footwork with your release.