The concept of an ideal man proved to be quite simple with it only being two aspects of life, physical and financial. However this simplicity will not hold true for women, while it still solely comes down to physical and financial, the complexity within each of these two categories becomes much greater than what it was for a man. Starting off with the physical aspect of a modern day ideal woman, it is a social norm that women must be have a slim body and legs, with an attractive face. As one can tell this is already much more to ask than what an ideal man was asked for, it must also be noted that the body of a man was for security reasons whereas the features for a women is for the sole purpose of being attractive. In terms of a woman's financial aspect, while it is not expected for a woman for be the sole supplier of the family, it is now expected for a woman to also hold a successful career of their own. All of these expectations of a woman only created an expectation where the bar is set at such a high standard that it is nearly impossible to achieve. This all created an image of what has been named a "modern day super woman"," this is compared to when you think only around forty for fifty years back woman were still considered as housewives. .
As it has only been discussed about the modern day man and women, it is also important that one has an understanding of how the ideal roles have changed within the past fifty to sixty years. This is important because we are able to compare the past to the modern and be able to have a clear picture of how society base rules and objects of all sorts around these assumptions. First starting off with males, unlike modern society the males back in the fifties did not hold an ideal physical image, but rather the importance of being the financial support of the family was placed to be of a much higher importance. The man's job was simply to provide income for the family and that was all.