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Fire Service - Reverse Discrimination Hiring Practices

(P. 40).
             When I read this in the text I immediately thought about discrimination against minorities. However, when I began researching this lawsuit I came to realize that discrimination can also occur against non-minority groups in an effort to promote a political agenda or an overzealous and ill-planned attempt to meet the requirements of law set forth by Title VII. In the months of November and December in 2003 New Haven Fire Department administered 2 promotional exams for Captain and Lieutenant. In an effort by the city to help ensure a fair testing process compliant with Title VII Civil Rights act they hired a professional testing company, IO Solutions, Inc. to design and administer a race neutral examination process. The city paid $100,000 to the company which is known to specialize in exams free of racial bias. Although there was some argument as to whether it was indeed race neutral, it was ultimately found to be free of bias. The captains promotional test was made up of a written and an oral component and weighted 60% and 40% respectively. .
             The outcome of both the captains promotional exam and the lieutenants exam was less than to be expected by the New Haven Civil Service Board and the citys department of Human Resources. In the text Legal Considerations for Fire and Emergency services, second edition, the citys HR director, Tina Burgett stated that there is a significant disparate impact on these two exams. (P. 460) She distributed test results that showed that out of the 41 New Haven firefighters that took the race neutral exam twenty five were white, eight were black, and eight were hispanic. Out of the top ten scores on the test eight were white, and two were hispanic. This means that in order to fill the vacancies from the test scores no blacks would have been promoted. It was a similar situation for the lieutenants exam with the exam being weighed the same 60/40. Seventy seven firefighters took the exam; forty three were white, nineteen were black, fifteen were hispanic.

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