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Adolf Eichmann - Nazi Bureaucrat

"It is almost as if Eichmann was giddy or excited with what he done to this people. Page 47 shows an excellent example of Eichmann exaggerating his deeds. He claims that he had "invented " the ghetto system when in reality it was the idea of Heydrich. I think he boasted as much as much as he did because it helped him believe that he was actually of some importance in the large scheme of the Nazi's. With how much he boasted about himself his language often contradicted itself. On the bottom of page 48 Arendt even describes his language as being funny. Throughout page 49 Arendt explains the idea of "empty talk " which is basically sentences that make absolutely no sense and contradict things he had just said moments before. When it came to the serious questions of the trial he would say very bizarre answers leaving this "empty talk"." The judges thought that Eichmann was using this "empty talk " to cover up other hideous thoughts. When in reality he wasn't, he just had a very strange and unique mental process. .
             Eichmann manages to be banal and evil at the same time. But, how can one be both evil and banal at the same time? His actions of boasting constantly and empty talk are just two examples of how he manages to be both all at once. Boasting can be considered to be unoriginal because there are a countless number of people who brag to make themselves look or feel better around their peers. For others that wouldn't make them evil it just makes them boring with very little originality. However, with Eichmann boasting does make him evil because he was bragging about the deaths and ghetto's that he "caused " or "created ". It was as if he wanted to make himself look more cruel than he actually was. His empty talk also allows him to be banal and evil at the same time because it made him seem as if he was lying to try hide more important things when he actually lacked the ability to be original and not contradict himself.

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