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Frankenstein and the Quest for Knowledge

Victor Frankenstein's story is the first one to be shared and his inability to control the knowledge that he posses is clear. Starting from a young age, Victor Frankenstein had been smitten with the idea of knowledge and he recounts his interest with science as a young child. "My dreams were therefore undisturbed by reality; and I entered with the greatest diligence  into the search of the philosopher's stone  and the elixir  of life." Victor longed to rid humanity of " the diseases of the human frame"" and much like Prometheus who brought fire to humanity, Victor sought the secret of life and eventually found it by over-reaching the limits of humanity, bypassing the laws of nature, and eventually receiving prolonged punishment for it. However, unlike Prometheus, Victor's experiment did not benefit humanity at all and the only thing Victor achieved in doing was to cause carnage all around him. Victor was in fact too inexperienced and wasn't ready to carry out the experiments he had in mind, as we can see on page 32 "When I found so astonishing a power placed within my hands, I hesitated a long time concerning the manner in which I should employ it. His human flaws, his obsession with the creation of a human being clouded his mind and pushed him to gather dead body parts in order to assemble his "masterpiece. " Indeed, Victor never visualized the consequences of his actions, and after so many hours of work, never for one second had he thought about what his creature would look like. Predictably, once Victor realized that the life that he labored to create was not a creature of beauty but of monstrosity, he fled in horror and neglected entirely all his duties as the creator of creature by letting the creature flee into nature. In retaliation to his creator's neglecting, the creature eventually became a monster and proceeded to strangle one by one Victor's brother William, his friend Henry, his wife Elizabeth; the monster also caused the wrongful execution of Victor's longtime friend Justine as well as the death of Victor's father by depression.

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