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Short Story - A Love Lost

But that was the sunday that changed my life; he called my friend asking permission for my number because he figured he would never see me again and may never get the chance to talk to me. That night I felt good, I felt amazing, I was never that excited for any boy. We exchanged numbers and texted here and there and then I realized, I have absolutely nothing to say to this boy, we were a couple of years apart and each experienced different things and with this in mind it began to dictate what I had to say in conversations. I figured a man thats that much older did't have time to care what such a young mind holds (later to find out I was wrong).
             After a couple of weeks of texting and calling we decided to hang out and from that day on we were together everyday even if it was for just 10 minutes or our entire day. We just eased into each other so well, our personalities were so similar it was kind of scary but we fell in love. He told me he loved me July 4th at one of out friends Independence day parties. That night I felt my heart melt and tears pour out of my eyes, I couldn't figure out why I was crying for a minute and then it hit me, it was because I fell in love with him too and didn't even realize it. That night he kissed me with so much love and held me with so much passion, I prayed that his arms became my home.
             In every relationship you always have your good and your bad, but when it was good it was GOOD. I was in love with this man. I was so in love I used to cry because I was so happy just to have him, sometimes my prayers wouldn't be for us or our relationship but for him but for his happiness and if that didn't me include it was fine by me. I wanted more for him, more than he could've ever wanted for himself. He was mine, and I was his. Our relationship was put to the test when he decided to go to the military. I don't do well with those I love leaving, especially since your leaving me behind but in this case I coped.

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