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Business School Acceptance Essay

             First of all, I have to say I am fairly lucky when it comes to self-examination because there have been many people in my life who have helped me to realize the person I want to become in the future. My personal mission is quite simply about me. I work hard to ensure that I can always rely on myself. In both my past, present, and possible future, it has always been about me. Over the years, I have been slowly improving upon that mission. In the past when I was a lot younger, my personal missions were always about the way I was treated without any regard to others. Now, thanks to my life experiences thus far, I have realized that I can still fulfill my mission, but much more efficiently and at the benefit of others around me. I read an online article from CirclevilleToday.com describing the advantages of a world where peoples values are aligned with others. Instead of a world where individuals seek what is best for themselves no matter the consequences, these same individuals should do what is best for others as well as themselves to ensure success in the long run. Now, I work hard to ensure the success of the people I manage. When my staff members are happy working at a skill-building and challenging job, they work harder and more efficiently, which, of course, makes me look good.
             Personal Values and Goals.
             Many of my personal values and life goals have been adjusted and altered through the people I have had the honor and good fortune of getting to know throughout my life. Without these people and without the experiences, both good and bad, they have put me through, the person who I would have been today would have definitely been someone else entirely. In a journal article by the American Psychological Association, a study was done examining the question of whether personal values were self-chosen from the beginning of our birth or if they were adjusted to fit new life situations, implying value socialization.

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