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Abolitionist Movement - The Book of Negroes

             One reason why Aminata was chosen by the abolitionists was due to her education and skills. These skills and knowledge provided Aminata with opportunities that would strengthen the cause of the abolitionists. Aminata was very distinct from the other slaves. From an early age, Aminata was fluent in two different languages, could read, and caught babies with her mother. These skills gave her an opportunity to make herself better off during the voyage to America. Aminata acted as a translator for the medicine man on the slave ship and she caught babies for both black and white people throughout her travels. .
             In addition, she continues her education through people she meets during her time as a slave in America. For instance, Aminata shows that she is a quick learner, gaining knowledge of medicinal practices from Georgia, learning how to speak and read English from Mamed, and acquired skills in math and recording information from Solomon Lindo. Furthermore, this gave her even more opportunity for a better life in a white dominated society. She was used as a scribe and wrote the Book of Negroes. She also taught black people how to read and speak English. Aminata's intelligence and skillset support the abolitionist's cause, since it refutes the pro-slavery claim that blacks are inferior to whites. Aminata shows that Africans are equal in stature to white people, provided that they are given equal opportunity. Therefore, Africans are also entitled to human rights, something they were deprived from due to slavery. Aminata proves she is as capable as any white person, despite the hardships she faced. .
             The abolitionists also chose Aminata to help end the slave trade because of the hardships she faced caused by the brutality and barbaric behaviour of her white captors. The British did not believe that the slaves were being treated harshly when being brought overseas. However, Aminata originated from Africa, which means she has a firsthand account of the brutality endured by the African people.

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