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Bill Gates - A Man of Magnitude

            In Athol Fugard's prolific play, "Master Harold and the Boys," one of the most prominent scenes is the discussion regarding who they felt was a true "man of magnitude," which Hally defines as somebody who has "benefited all of mankind." While the number of people that someone affects is arbitrary, people of great significance tend to have an impact on more than just one. Magnitude may be more accurately measured by the impact which they leave and whether it was in a deep, meaningful, and unique way that remains relevant through all of time. It is for this reason that Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, is a true man of magnitude. Many might leap to the conclusion that Gates will one day be recognized as the most important person of his generation because for fourteen of the fifteen years from 1995 to 2009, he was the richest person in the world. Such achievements, however, will likely seem small in the grand scope of history. .
             One day, Microsoft may not be the significant company it is today; as the fall of great companies has become incredibly axiomatic that it is practically inevitable. Certainly, there will come a day when many fortunes dwarf that of Gates, making the accumulation of his wealth less and less meaningful. Bill Gates is a man of magnitude due to his philanthropic initiatives in world health, education, and agricultural development. Known for asking other billionaires to commit to giving away half their fortunes, Gates himself has committed to donating 95% of their wealth to charity over time. As of recently, Gates has topped donations of $28 billion, making him the world's greatest living philanthropist. Of course, he can afford to give away a huge portion of his fortune and still get by quite comfortably; nonetheless, no matter the amount, the loss of personal fortune is substantial. .
             The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, while receiving large sums of donations from celebrities of similar wealth, is largely funded by Gates himself.

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