We see this through the use of adverts and often they will portray the view that women are usually the victims. However as previously stated 4% of men in the UK were subjected to domestic violence in 2012/13. (House of commons 2014) .
It is evident that gender differences exist when it comes to reporting domestic abuse, the department of justice (DOJ) statistics reveal that 11% of men are less likely than women to report any act of violence in which they were a victim (Cook 2009). The view point that women are the only victims of domestic violence needs to be eradicated as domestic violence is not related to one type of victim. Because of the way the problem is portrayed within society and within the media men may feel pressured to stay quiet. This is because it is not the social norm for a man to be heard speaking of domestic violence. In a society where being macho and manly is portrayed in the media and everywhere we look, with men being portrayed as in control and looking after their families, this pressure may make men feel isolated, alone and in fear of embarrassment if they did speak out. This should not be the case and more should be done to help those that fell they cannot speak out. Philip Cook (2009) states that in the US the DOJ reported results in a survey conducted by Maureen McLeod, examining over 6,000 spousal assault cases there was a small decline annually in the amount of cases involving women as victims. She also found a decline in the number of victimized men, however the relative percentage has increased from 15 % in 1993 to 17% in 2005. (Cook 2009).
As well as men and women as victims, we also have to consider the involvement of children in this issue. Children can also be victims of and can be exposed to domestic violence, this involvement can have adverse effects of their development and can often have a later effect on their future. There are legislations in place to protect children, the Children's Act 1989 and the Children's Equality Act 2010 aim to protect children is matters of inequality.