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Symbols in Animal Farm by George Orwelll

            Orwell filled Animal Farm with many different symbols that are used to give the readers a better view of the hidden meaning of the book. One symbol is the ribbons that Molly wore in her hair in the beginning of the book. In Animal Farm, Orwell used these ribbons as a symbol of the luxuries in Russia to satirize the upper class and the Communist leaders. .
             In the beginning of the book the pigs, Snowball in particular, didn't think it was fair that the humans got to slave them around. They resented the humans for being in charge and hurting them with the whips. Molly on the other hand liked the humans. She was upper class on the farm so she got treated better then all the rest of the animals. She was given ribbons to wear in her hair. These ribbons the pigs viewed as a badge of slavery. As Snowball said, "Comrade, those ribbons that you are so devoted to are the badge of slavery. Can you not understand that liberty is worth more than ribbons? "(37). When the revolution began, the pigs banned her from wearing them and Molly didn't like it but dealt with it because she didn't know any better. Orwell used these ribbons in the beginning to symbolize the riches the upper class got. The other animals never got anything to wear such as the ribbons but Molly got special treatment. The rest of the farm was the lower class, or the poor. .
             As the revolution continued to progress, Molly wanted her old life back more and more. She would continue to dream about the things she used to get. Orwell in this scene wanted to portray to us that the upper class weren't willing to give up their luxuries. This is when the pigs caught her at the fence getting pet by a human. Molly liked it so much she ran away where she could be free to do as she pleased. When Molly left, the farm started to get corrupted and the pigs started going against the rules they set for everyone else. The pigs were the leaders of the revolution and Orwell made it clear that the Leaders in Russia were also corrupted and basically turned into what they wanted to get away from.

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