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Electrosurgery - Reflective Account

I asked the surgeon if he had noticed this and he explained that there had not been any proven evidence that the smoke would harm. My colleague and I placed a facemask on, more for the noxious smell than concern of harm, but this did leave me with thought to investigate further in this much still unknown area. When I asked my manager of the department policy, he stated that we have the equipment in place but cannot make the surgeons use it and that each case would be risk assessed for its use but could not supply the risk assessment for this assignment.
             Using Gibb's (1998) Model of Reflection I will investigate this scenario, by using reflection, the issue of safety during my experience will be explored in more detail. The aims in this discussion are to look at Patient Safety First (2011) quote stating that, 'with NHS change, focus is to be maintained on delivery of safer, better care to the patient.' Safety in the perioperative environment is a vast subject to cover and incorporates many differing procedures, staffing skills, positioning, equipment etc. the list is extensive. For the purpose of this assignment I will ensure focus is channelled toward the scenario and will therefore examine the hazards/potential hazards of electrosurgical smoke plume on the patient and intraoperative team. Perioperative personnel and patients are routinely exposed to this smoke, and there is currently no legislation making use of smoke evacuation devices mandatory (Ball, 2010). Reviewing the scenario and current literature I aim seek best practice and recommendations for future use in my area.
             As described by Sanderson (2012) & Bigony (2007) electrosurgery is a common surgical technique. Surgical smoke is generated when a hot surgical device such as this or laser is used to cut, coagulate, vaporise or ablate tissue. Biggins and Renfree (2002) further explain these devices heat targeted cells to boiling point rupturing cell membrane, and as a result the cellular contents and odours forced out into the air as this so described smoke plume, (vaporisation).

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