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Teaching and Math Journals

             The following research is based on one first grade teacher's observations as she experimented with mathematical journal writing to improve her student's abilities to tackle a problem and show the strategies that were used to determine the correct answer to the problem. The main question being researched is whether or not utilizing a daily journal in math is an effective tool to assist first grade students in organizing, grasping, comprehending and explaining various mathematical concepts in a written form.
             In order to conduct a thorough research on the subject, a daily journal will be introduced to the researcher's first grade class. As suggested by Chelsea Fortescue (1994) the teaching strategies will incorporate a whole group session of modeling the use of oral language as well as the written language. Familiar and comfortable skills such as adding numbers to ten will be the beginning focus. The researcher will demonstrate how to talk through the problem and illustrate the problem. Finally, the researcher will demonstrate how to answer the problem with written word. After this is completed, the students will lead each other through the entire process. This will allow the students to talk the problem through with each other adding in the important details to provide a thorough picture of the problem. Writing about activities or problems in the whole group will give the students the experience they need in hearing and seeing a written problem. Eventually the students will move on to their own journal recordings. The researcher will take part in daily journal writing as well. She will write down the problem that the students are trying to solve and the solution to the problem as demonstrated by the students. The researcher will set guidelines that must be followed for each problem and then graph the correct and incorrect techniques. .
             As stated in the book, Introduction To Educational Research (2002) this qualitative technique assembles data that occurs naturally and is regularly collected by teachers and administrators.

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