The new dictator then abolished the Landers which were the local councils and replaced them by Gauleiters, which are Nazi controlled local governments. The setup of the Nazi Party as head of the country was confirmed by the election of November 12 1933, giving 92% of the votes to the Nazis; and was finalized on August 2 1934, when Hitler became the indisputable "Führer", leader of the single Mass Party ruling Germany.
And as every totalitarian state, this single mass Party was directed by an official ideology: Nazism. This way of thinking included the racial purity and unity of the german people (excluding all the non-germans from the country), a devoted love and sense of patriotism toward the country, and mostly the indisputable devotion and trust in Hitler's leadership and government. The guideline of this ideology was the supremacy of the Aryan race. This race, according to Hitler, only encompassed the 100% german and Nazi people, and excluded every other ethnic group or political views such as Judaism and Communism. It was presented as superior to all other races in terms of physical strength, intelligence and cultural achievements; the ideal of it being a tall, strong german with blond hair and blue eyes.
To spread this ideology, the Nazis decided to indoctrinate the people from the youngest age by controlling the education with a Nazi curriculum. The teaching of school subjects was changed to brainwash the young people : History was distorted to celebrate the Germans and blame the Jews and the Communists for the disasters, biology taught them that the Aryan race was scientifically superior to the others, and Math was devoted to problems implying the non-Aryans' uselessness, including war statistics and numbers.
To strengthen the control of education and make the Nazi ideology even more present in the life of young Germans, Hitler established the Hitler Youth Movement.