For my review, I have chosen the 9-10 pm time slot for both dates which are on 29th of October 2014 and 31st October 2014 respectively. Both are on weekdays. My main purpose of watching both of this time slots is to compare the two television networks in their signalling activities. On 29th, the show that was on TV9 was a Malay drama titled "Setitis Kasih Damia". The show was about an orphan girl (Nelydia Senrose) that was forced into marrying a man ( Sharnaaz) that she absolutely loath. The deeper the story goes, the girl finally fell in love. To sum the whole show up, basically this adaption of a novel follows like so many other romantic comedy cliche – girl finds love and live happily ever after.
Now moving on to the commercial shown during the break, the first quarter saw the likes of Gardenia, Silky girl/SG men and Umobile among other commercials. The Gardenia commercial, shows a mother-daughter relationship in which the mother prepares breakfast for her little child to start her day. The usual cheerful theme song (Uncle Slocum's secret recipe) accompanied the commercial. The commercial was in Bahasa Melayu. Next, is the advertisement of a perfume by silkygirl/ SG men. The commercials show a beautiful girl and a handsome man wearing perfume for silkygirl and SG men respectively and in which they found love after smelling each other perfume in several locations which included a library and a cafe. The last commercial on my first quarter was an advertisement about fast internet with low cost by Umobile. The director hire a renown celebrity in the form of Dafi to act as a normal guy solicited by an aunty selling a detergent that can clean anything and are absolutely free that is until a middle aged man appeared in orange busted the scam and said the only thing that is free is to switch to Umobile and get a whole year worth of free internet. The director is smart in incorporating humour as the theme of the commercial to target young adult internet users.