The Minitruth (Ministry of Truth) controls education and public information. The MiniLuv (Ministry of Love), which maintains law and order. And the MiniPlenty (Ministry of Plenty), holds responsibility for economic affairs. In each abbreviation of Newspeak The Party employes doublethink to contour the language, hiding the reality of each branch and its ghastly purpose. .
The destruction of words practiced in Oceania and its language of Newspeak guarantees euphemistic phrases with hollow meanings. In 1984 dead people rarely exist except those who valiantly sacrificed their lives for Big Brother; now a person seemingly turns unperson. The dictions of death, vaporization, and fatality have passed along as becoming Unperson--nobody dies anymore you simply disappear. This highlights a euphemistic idea deployed by Newspeak to discourage rumination of "Thought criminals" or loved ones ever existing. As well as with the ironic concepts of love, peace,truth, and plenty all hold the opposite definition, a juxtaposition of ideas accepted through the use of doublethink. This theorizes that language can corrupt thought and a totalitarian system systematically restricts ideas, and with Newspeak. Orwell's invention of Newspeak contains no word for freedom because in Oceania freedom cannot exist.
Through the use of language the author conveys the message that a government which utilizes the means to narrow the ability of thought, and conjecture will have control of its citizens. In the 11th edition of Newspeak contrary to normalcy the dictionary aids in the euthanization of language. Cutting out, destroying, eliminating, and even vaporizing the common vocabulary of the masses which serves as a tool to narrow, and objectify the reflections of thoughts. The Party's agenda lay in linguistic control and if they control the past they control the future. If they control the present they controls the past.