I propose to study these buy observing her actions and also by interacting with her to gain a better perspective of her behavior.
Physical Development.
Wow! It's an incredible change. The first time when I saw and held Anaya, she was only 2 days old; it was an incredible feeling holding a baby that's only been in this world for only 48 hours. Within 2 years, it's astonishing to see how fast she has physically developed. There is a "dramatic gain in height and weight in a child's first 2 years". (Rathus, 2014,p.133) Anaya is already 37 inches while weighing 32 pounds. She is clearly gaining height at rate higher than an average 2 year old would. This could partly be due to her father being tall, but still it's quite a growth. All children's develop at different rates, as they get older. During this stage, According to (CDC, 2014), Anaya is expected to develop gross motor skills such as walking, running alone without falling, throwing tennis ball under 3 – 5 feet in one direction, being able to carry a large toy while walking, stand on the tips of her toes, kick a ball, climb onto and off furniture and walk up and down stairs. Anaya is also expected to develop fine motor skills like, "building a tower of 6 cubes, and copying vertical and horizontal lines, Imitating folding of paper, placing simple shapes in correct holes" (Rathus, 2014,p.137). .
Last weekend we had a family gathering where Anaya was present as well. I thought this would be a great opportunity to observe her and test her skills. To test her gross motor skills, I got a tennis ball and I threw it to her, to see what she would do. She picked up the ball and when I told her to throw the tennis ball towards me, she picked up the ball and threw it towards me. Next I wanted to observe her general walking and running, I noticed that when she was attentive towards an object, her coordination while running was better compared to general running.