We need to offer resources to those kinds of offenders. This also falls under lack of proper help. For some offenders, help is all they need. If they cannot receive the proper help, how can they prosper? With these barriers, offenders will turn back to what they know, which could be what led them to prison in the first place. The user will return to drugs because that is what they know. They feel comfortable. The thief will continue to still in order to survive, just has he did before prison. Correcting these barriers could help the risk of recidivism.
The resources that the offender needs to help facilitate the process of reentry are things like hallway houses, day-reporting centers, and the help of a probation officer. These are all great resources that can help the offender make a smooth transition from prison to the community.
Halfway Houses are transitional living places for those in recovery from drugs or alcohol. Some people go to halfway houses from a treatment center, prison, or a homeless situation, while others go there to be in a sober and clean environment to begin the recovery process. Some residents are in halfway houses due to court orders. Most halfway houses require residents to pass Breathalyzer and drug screening tests as they aren't equipped to deal with withdrawal symptoms from drugs. This is a great way to help offenders focus on reentering the community. Halfway houses give freedom with structure. Although you can come and go as you please, you must be back in by a certain time and follow certain rules. Many halfway houses are run by people who themselves were at one time a halfway house resident. The houses accommodate either men or women. (Corrections an introduction, 345).
The Day Reporting Center is an on-site cognitive restructuring program designed to change an offender's thinking patterns, provide education and job training to allow long-term employment, and hold unemployed offenders accountable during the day.