It's noted that they also named their band after the Tang Dynasty because it was considered the "golden years " and the most influential time period to date. This band had emerged from the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, which was a time where public opinions about sexuality and gender were repressed by the government. Through this band, they searched for ways to express these values of masculinity. Especially since during this time, there was this erasure of sexual desire due to the revolution, and the loss of gender identity left many of the men in this era feeling emasculated. With the Western heavy metal style, Tang Dynasty were able to express their ideas through their music. They really keep a good balance between keeping old classical values as well as incorporating new and contemporary ideas. .
Heavy metal in China began in the early 1980's, where young chinese musicians and artists met foreign students in Beijing. The interest grew and more and more bands began to pop up in Beijing. The bands that really had an impact as early influences to China where bands such as Pink Floyd, Jefferson Airplane (Or Jefferson Starship), King Crimson, Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin. More stylized guitar players such as Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton and Yngwie Malmsteen were also important figures because of their style, and had impact on a lot of other chinese bands for their distorted and high feedback sounds. And even though the Chinese had no idea what any of what these bands were singing about due to language barrier, they had an idea that the music was definitely an extremely different compared to the revolutionary songs they learned as kids through the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution; especially since the melodies they learned back then were generally really simple anyways. During this time a lot of the Chinese Bands were under a lot of experimental phases, but Tang Dynasty was one of the bands that didn't undergo this as much.