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Ikhwan Us Safa (Brethren Of Purity)

             Many different views are found for its authorship. .
             "The authors did not identify themselves one view holds that the author was the Ismaili imam Taqi Muhammad. Another view holds that there were three authors who worked under the direction of Taqi Muhammad. Many modern scholars are of the view that the authors were active during 10th century near Basra, Iraq." [Mor09]2.
             One view holds that the Rasail are precisely an answer to the dire need that the medieval Umma faced, at that time. .
             "They wrote an encyclopedia of fifty-one volumes developing the idea of goodness and moral perfection trying to reconcile religion with science." [Dia]3.
             While, stern thinks that "the secret organization described by the epistles was illusory, utopian, and idealized, merely that which the group of authors would have wished it to be." [Bri71]4.
             In Islam, the Quran (Book of God) is accepted as the supreme source of knowledge. .
             "The prophetic consciousness, illuminated by the light of revelation (wahy), remained of supreme significance for Islamic philosophers." [Dia]3.
             MUATAZILLITES: The Muatazillites introduced Philosophical principles from Greek rationalism into Islamic thought.
             "They believe that all knowledge necessary for the salvation of man derives from his intellect and rational thinking."[Dia]3.
             ASHARITES: .
             "The Muatazillites and Asharites held debates on issues of free will, God's attributes and the nature of scripture. TheĀ former adhered to rationality for acquiring truth, while the latter believed in a more traditional interpretation".[Rah]5.
             ISMAILISM: The Ismailism maintained the Shia doctrine of Imama which is the foundation of the Ismaili theology.
             "It is based on the necessity on a divinely inspired and sinless (masum) Imam. The Imam possesses Knowledge (Ilm) and a perfect understanding of the Quran as well as the religious law (sharia)".

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