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Assessments in Special Education

This leads the student to have a more successful educational experience. .
             Case Study 1: Student in Early Childhood Special Education.
             Brian is a two year old boy who attends an Early Head Start program. Teachers became a little concerned when observing Brian; he did not appear to perform in the same way as his peers. His mother also expresses concern that he is not formulating words and only grunt and makes gestures to get attention or what he wants or needs. Another concern is Brian's increasing aggressive behavior at school and at home. He has displayed more aggressive tendencies in recent months. Play assessment was the assessment of choice to evaluate Brian.
             The assessment conducted was play assessment. Children spend most of their time playing; this is considered to be enjoyable for them and is a good motivator. Playing is usually a part of a child's routine. Play as an assessment places emphasis on ecologically valid assessments, context-based interventions, and progress monitoring (Kelly-Vance & Oliver Ryalls, 2012). The psychologist evaluating Brian used this method to evaluate Brian's current level of functioning and determine whether there are areas that may require interventions through play. Play assessment and intervention is an approved method of assessment through the Individuals with Disabilities Act and is considered an appropriate approach to evaluating the needs of young children (NASP, 2005). This form of assessment leads to appropriate interventions and progress monitoring in the play context. .
             In speaking with the psychologist, he determined that Brian had a developmental speech impediment. Brian is unable to articulate his words and has trouble communicating his needs. His behavior aggressiveness stems from high frustration levels when people around Brian are unable to understand him. Due to the fact he is unable to say what he needs, feels, or wants; Brian recourses to yelling and throwing items when he is not fully understood.

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