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Summary of A Museum Visit

These styles and compositional rules differ throughout the various periods of art, as well as the many different regions in which that period of art flourished. Each period to their own invokes style and composition for different reasons. For example pre-renaissance elements of composition are inherently divergent than those of the Baroque period, just as the styles used in the Italian Renaissance are notably different than those in Germany during the Northern Renaissance. Taking into account all of the stylistic and compositional elements that appear in the piece, Samson Captured by the Philistines can be most likely classified within the artistic period of the Italian Baroque. The vigorous back of Samson is the focal point of this painting, firstly, because it is fixed in the center of the piece, and secondly because it is highlighted by this specific lighting. Light plays a massive role in the composition, and as I stated earlier, it is a vehicle of emphasis. It almost looks as if you shut the lights off; all you would see is the tense back of Samson and scattered patches of light accentuating the faces, hands, and legs of the different characters present. Tenebrism is the term associated with the Baroque style that is by definition characterized by predominantly dark tones and shadows with dramatically contrasting effects of light. With just a glance we see this stylistic element come alive, there's a mainly dark background and the very the apparent use of artificial light beaming down from the left. .
             Again we look to the focal point of the painting to distill other elements of style. When I first saw the piece I asked why is the back of this figure so prominent, and why did the artist make this the center of the piece. As a wise professor once (many times) said everything the artist puts in their picture is for a reason. The Baroque style is notorious for using the most dramatic and exciting part of a narrative as their subject for a piece.

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