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George Catalano - Promoting Peace in Engineering

Catalano defines promoting peace as "not only the absence of war ( 'negative peace') but also the establishment of life-affirming and life-enhancing values and structures ( 'positive peace'). (p. 3)" He feels that today's engineering students receive little or no study in peace. Since engineers shape the world, if they do not know anything about peace, how can these engineers create a more peaceful world? You can not create peace with guns and destruction. To teach students how to promote peace, the criteria must be changed accordingly.
             The first modification to the criteria Catalano wishes to instill is: "Promote peace through the development of an individual plan for the lifelong cultivation of an awareness of the interdependence of all and of the qualities of compassion, caution, and reflection. (p. 5)" Catalano wants to have an activity that challenges a student to use formal engineering design methodology to solve and open ended design problem. Not entirely open minded, a design that will do something for some person, cause, organization, or ecosystem. The project must demonstrate compassion and promote the cause of peace. Throughout the project the students will have to create their own formal statement of work, describe what they did, why they did it, their reactions to the project, and their reflections on the entire experience when everything is said and done.
             The second modification is to "promote peace through an improved understanding of other cultures. (p. 6)" Students would be involved in a languages-across-the-curriculum program. This program provides students the opportunity to apply their existing languages skills in courses outside of the language department other than English. Students will obtain intercultural information and international perspectives on course subject material. .
             The third modification is to "promote peace through employing the principles of peaceful conflict.

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