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The Discrimination of LGBTQIA+ Individuals

             B. This discrimination, learned as a child, will often continue to develop as the individual approaches adulthood, and can actually grow to become more intense and encompass more people within the group they are prejudiced towards. This can then manifest into exclusion, repulsion, and even verbal or physical abuse. These behaviors, being learned from the parent, are not stopped, and will continue to manifest.
             II. Lack of support and education.
             A. Many LGBTQIA youth feel alone or even harbor self-hate because of this discrimination towards themselves, whether it is direct prejudice that manifests through harassment and bullying or just experienced culturally as a general non-acceptance of their lifestyle and the way they were born. This lack of support can lead to serious negative effects on the individual, even in some cases leading to depression and even suicide, as many individuals, especially LGBTQIA teens, feel alone or hated. This can also lead to a number of individuals remaining "in the closet ", meaning that they never reveal who they truly are to the people around them. Some individuals who "come out " are never accepted by their loved ones and are alienated from their families in some cases due to discrimination towards themselves. .
             B. Many individuals do not feel supported to be who they are, and this lack of support can also come from a lack of knowledge about the LGBTQIA community. Many people are never educated on what the community is or that the people who belong to it, while they may be different, are still people and are just like everyone else. Many people are apprehensive towards people of the community or discriminate against them simply because they do not know about them or understand them. .
             C. This lack of knowledge stems from a lack of education. Everyone is mandated to take a health or sexual education class in high school, but LGBTQIA+ is not one of the topics learned about, yes, classes usually discuss homosexuality and heterosexuality, but that does not even scrape the surface of the very large and diverse LGBTQIA+ community.

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