Riddick from the Riddick series fits Campbell's hero archetype to the tee. In short, Riddick leaves home and has to go through many trials to survive. Most of the story of Riddick is during these trials. Conversely Riddick's story is in the making, so we have not yet seen him return home to Furya, but it is said that he will eventually return after he has redeemed himself and he will settle down to have a family on Furya. This fits Campbell's Hero archetype perfectly so below is the explanation of each step.
Campbell's hero story has seventeen stages:.
The Call to Adventure.
Refusal of the Call.
Supernatural Aid.
Crossing the 1st Threshold.
Belly of the Whale.
The Road of Trials.
Meeting With the Goddess.
Woman as Temptress.
Atonement with the Father.
Riddick was born on the planet Furya. Before Riddick was born, an Elemental seer told Zhylaw, a Necromonger officer, "that a child born on Furya would eventually be his downfall." Zhylaw then massacred everyone on Furya including the children; personally strangling them with their umbilical cords. He strangled Riddick with his umbilical cord and thought he was dead; however, Riddick actually survived. .
No one knows how Riddick got off the planet Furya; however, his official records say: "Place of Birth: Unknown." Likewise, not a lot is known about where Riddick grew up, but he was educated in the penal system. Riddick does not remember his life on Furya, but he thinks that his mother left him in a liquor store trash bin because that is what his records say.
I believe this to be Riddick's call to adventure. Not knowing where he has come from has always been on his mind, making him want to explore and find out where he is from as well as who his parents were. .
Later, Riddick learned that life on Sigma 3 was not worth living, and enforcing security there meant murdering and torturing innocent people. Riddick tried to stop this, but the Company refused to hear him and got rid of the evidence Riddick had and sent him to a prison known as Deep Storage.