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Stereotyping Feminists

Blanket statements only cover the truth." This blog may seem funny but to me it's scary that women would even create a site like this. That the stereotypes of feminism have clouded their mind that they can't see what feminism have done for them. I need women to understand that the only reason why they can even voice their opinion is because of feminism. Pages like this are the reason why women across america are losing supporters in the fight towards equality. Women don't want to be associated with the negative stigma that goes along with being a feminist in america. The the article " Femi-Nazis And Bra Burning Crazies: A Qualitative Evaluation Of Contemporary Beliefs About Feminism" Jill Swirsky states that "women find it difficult to identify with feminism.m. The research literature suggests several explanations for this lack of identification. One reason may be the negative connotations and stereotypes, which have become associated with feminism because of the stigma attached to both the term and the movement Labels such as"femi-nazis," "man-haters," and "bra burning crazies" may lead traditional-minded women to shy away from self-identification, despite their agreement with the tenets of the feminist movement." (.230) Women need to learn the great history of feminist then maybe they will see not all feminist are evil.
             Feminism became a big deal to american women in the 1960. This was called the second wave of feminism. Most Western feminist history has been split into three different waves. each wave has minor differences in what they focus on. The First-wave of feminism began in 19th and early 20th centuries. the They mainly focused on overturning legal inequalities.In the book "No Turning Back" Estelle B. Freedman states " In 1911 social feminist began to observe March 8 as a day to honor the women who had walked out in strike for better working conditions in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

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