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The 1920's and The Great Gatsby

Gatsby finally receives his desire when he and Daisy rekindle their love but to a fruitless and ironic outcome. Preceding a journey to an end of death and despair is a story filled with excessive leisure, bored and spoilt women, the tension of position in society, of counterfeit cares and love and "the abortive sorrows of men " So poses the question of what connections are formed in this great American novel due to the influences of this major turning point of America. Ideas, thoughts and attitudes have always been around yet with the 1920's come along the Period to readily transfer those ideas, thoughts and attitudes. The automobile allowed citizens of the era to explore the world around them creating a greatly increased social order. The Great Gatsby included the luxury of such travel. They came with their cars by the hundreds in search of a place to extend their social image and satisfy their need for entertainment and excitement. The car symbolized the freedom to exchange differing opinions and outlooks on life. As quoted by Henry Ford near this time was the statement, "You can have any color car you want as long as it's black. " Cars of color were rare and one had to have been considerably wealthy to indulge in the lavishness of such a vehicle. Gatsby was the owner of a yellow car. "With its bulges and creamy yellow shade " Gatsby acquired a car the farthest color from black without being white. This shows Gatsby's pride in his wealth. One may also point out the twist of Irony associated, for if Gatsby had not shown so much pride to have a yellow car he may never have been so easily spotted in the connection of Mrytle's death, causing in fact his own. .
             Bootlegging was a common business in the 1920's but for Jay Gatsby it was a means to an end. Though Gatsby' involvement wasn't certain there was a great deal of suspicion and the accusation of Tom leading to this assumption. "I found out what your "drug stores " were,' he turned to us and spoke rapidly.

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