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The Church and the Kingdom of God

Jesus is the one who is inaugurating the messianic kingdom. The kingdom concept brings God's rule over his creation through Messiah and its goal is the extension of God's absolute rule over the Earth and all nations, the sphere of His creation and redemption. (VanGemeren, 1988).
             To sum it up the kingdom of God "means God's will being done on earth " in a society, and this kingdom society is what the Church is called to embody. "3 Jesus made it possible for people of this kingdom to be in fellowship with God " to be His children and to be part of a family where everyone is equally valued, appreciated and loved. Jesus came to restore the dominion over the earth that man was given by His Creator, but lost by man's failure of disobedience. (Genesis 1:26).
             The Church and the Kingdom.
             Ladd explains what the relationship between the kingdom and the church is. The church is not the kingdom, since Jesus was preaching the good news of the kingdom and not of the church. The kingdom creates the church " people enter the kingdom and become part of a community. The church is a witness of the kingdom (Matthew 24:14). The church is the instrument of the kingdom inasmuch as disciples through the Holy Spirit made wonders (Matthew 10:8). And finally the church is custodian of the kingdom (Matthew 16:19).
             The Norms of Kingdom of God.
             The teaching of Jesus introduces what the kingdom is like, what are its values and norms. Jesus taught through narratives, parables and metaphors. He introduced the idea; vision of the kingdom and He appealed His disciples to follow Him and what he taught. (Matthew 16:24) It is an invitation to have life and have it to the full (John 10:10).
             In the beginning of Jesus' ministry He quotes the words of the prophet Isaiah and He presents the purpose of His ministry. He came to "proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.

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