Another writer who writes a blog on social media and some of its negative effects- Scott Karp admits that he used to be an excessive reader and has recently stopped craving the need for an entertaining, and long story. Karp not only blames the Internet for the way he reads, but also how he thinks (Carr, 511). In conclusion, Clay Skirky a creator and professor of new media proves that one of the main reasons media makes such a strong impact on the way we read and think is because of the Internets social structure. In Shirky's "Does the Internet Make You Smarter? " says: "The case for digitally-driven stupidity assumes we'll fail to integrate digital freedoms into society as well as we integrated literacy. " (Skirky, 518-19) As more and more research is found, it is shown that the Internet can be resourceful and fast, however, affects both reading skills and one's thought process in a negative way. .
As much of a negative impact the Internet has on reading and processing thoughts, its affects on the human brain and behavior also impacts attention span, and becomes a constant distraction. Distraction is most prominent when one is giving continuous partial attention " a term founded by Microsoft executive Linda Stone, -- meaning there is multitasking and only partial attention being given (Dalton Conley, 1). Through a trial of testing in 2009 by a trio of Stanford University researchers, they proved that more people who multitasked did worse with distraction than the people who rarely multitasked (Conley, 1). Because of the prominence of the Internet in this generation it is changing the way kids brains are processing information by using reactive attention " the part in our brain that reacts towards the novel stimuli making staying focused difficult (Conley, 1). One of the biggest problems with these distracted partial attention givers is their oblivion to it. As David Glenn, in "Divided Attention " states: "Students' minds have been wandering since the dawn of education.