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            Between 1812 and 1815 there was a lot of mistrust and war around Europe. Napoleon, the leader of France was responsible for most of it. In 1812, France had control of a large part of Europe, due to almost 25 years of conflict which resulted in a victory for Napoleon. At the time, the only nation that could stand up to France was Great Britain. Feeling threatened, Napoleon started the continental system, which banned British ships from docking in European ports (source 1). It was a failed attempt to hurt the British economy. Instead it created hardships for French Artisans, and the middle-class. Napoleon blamed the failure of the continental system on Alexander I of Russia, for letting British ships into Russia. .
             At this time, France had control over both Austria and Prussia, who were both weak. Sweden was at war with Great Britain. Russia at this time was warring with Turkey. France was allied with Russia, but neither country trusted each other. After Russia betrayed Napoleon's continental system; Napoleon decided to take action. He constructed a 600,000 man army of one-third French, and two-thirds Austrians, Prussians, West Germans, Italians, Turks, and others(source 1).
             In June 1812, Napoleon's army crossed the Niemen river to invade Russia. The Russians were wise and developed a good defense plan. First, they made an agreement with their ally of Sweden that they would help them in the conflict. Sweden pulled out of the conflict with Britain and in return received Norway. By pulling out of the war with Britain, Britain could then focus on the war with France in Spain. This would increase Russia's chances of fighting off the French. .
             On the way to Moscow, Napoleon's army was confronted by the Russians. The Battle of Borodino was a draw. By the time Napolean reached Moscow, there were only a few civilians and a number of undercover soldiers left there. The soldiers then set fire to the city.

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