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Racial and Media Effects of the O.J Simpson Trial

All of these actions lead to the highly publicized, controversial, trial of the century, which began January 25th 1995.
             This case provided a useful springboard for discussing issues of race, gender, class, domestic violence and the judicial system (Alderman,1997). The status of Simpson, the alleged killer caused his own publicity, since he was well known and the news that he was on trial for murder caused complete outrage in the public. Simpson was persistent in his innocence claiming he was one hundred percent 'not guilty'. When providing a theoretical analysis of this crime there are many things to consider: including people involved in the offender's life, the victim, and places. Both the prosecution and defense had theories on what actually occurred that night in June, as well as the motive behind it. This trial caused tremendous controversy due to Simpson's race and status. Simpson swiftly assembled "the dream team" to defend him. With all the media attention and coverage surrounding this trial, people lost sight of what was most important, who really killed Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman? The most important piece of the trial was the evidence that linked Simpson to the crime scene. A bloody glove found outside the home matched one of the gloves found at O.J's guesthouse. The defense team claimed that the glove was planted there and police had fabricated the physical evidence. Other evidence included blood found at the crime scene that matched the defendant's blood and both victims blood found in his vehicle as well as socks in his bedroom. Moreover, a bloody shoe print at the crime scene matched a shoe that Simpson owned but was never found. In addition to the defense claiming the glove was planted, they also argued that the police were too quick to judge and assume that Simpson was the killer. Similar accusations protested that an officer was racist and potentially out to get the defendant.

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