S. Constitution toward that end, rather than amend the Articles of Confederation."(Annapolis Convention Resolution, par. 1). of the ashes rose The Constitution, which succeeded and ultimately was the foundation from which America was built. America birthed many successful people, each of those individuals had their own idea as to how they would achieve success. That Idea of what made you truly successful varies from person to person because each person is different. What one person see's as important another person might see as completely irrelevant. There is a multitude of reasons for this, difference in religion, difference in culture, even difference in gender. These are all factors that can play a big part in drastically changing one persons view of success to another. The idea of what makes a person successful is quite an interesting concept, is success achieved through merit, or possibly through how much money an individual is able to earn? Maybe success can be defined as a job one is able to hold while making a large sum of money. These are all things that we in American culture deem as being successful, and rightfully so seeing as it takes lots of hard work, dedication, and discipline to achieve these things. The individuals I mentioned earlier are some of the best at what they do; they make loads of money, and are seen as successful throughout American society. Most of us go to college to be able to ultimately earn a much higher salary so we can a form of success. To me success means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. A good majority of the people who attend college believe that their happiness will stem from being married and have a family. These people believe that by earning a college degree they will be able to get a good paying job and supporting their families to be will be much easier. Those who assume that this is true would likely be correct, but at what cost? Although education, and a job that pays well to support the family are things we strive for, that same good paying job may be what keeps us from our kids.