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Les Miserables - Movie and Novel

Valjean was able to reveal himself when he wanted to, not only to the other characters but to the audience as well. This adaptation is more personal and connects to the audience.
             2. There is no doubt that the 1998 film captures the storyline, but there is also no doubt that Hugo captures his audience with the detailed descriptions of his characters. The discourse time in the novel begins with the story of M. Myrial and the life he lived. In the films, there is not much time focused on M. Myrial's background; however, his social standing is revealed in the films through the way the characters react to him. After reading the first book in Fantine, the audience captures the powerful effect that he has on others. He is not only a bishop, but a humble and faithful one who was able to inspire others. August's film uses close-ups to describe each of the characters through their responses. The faces they make and the tone of their voice sometimes even scream sarcasm. The novel and the films each focus on different aspects of Valjeans life in order to tell the story in different moods. .
             An example of this could be the chronological events in Fantine's life that led up to her having to sell body. He explains her story and emphasizes the condemnation she had felt when she was abandoned. Work was hard to come by with a history like hers, but in order for her to allow her daughter, Cosette, to have a better chance at a good life, she did everything possible to give her what she needed. She had to literally sell herself, starting with her hair, then her teeth, and then eventually her body. While the 1998 film does show these events, it seems to be sugarcoated and less intense than the novel. The Thénardier's also have a stronger role in the novel than August's film reveals. Not only did they care for Cosette, but also M. Thénardier saved Marius' father. The film entirely fails to make that connection.

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