Problem solving and conflict resolution are important to the changing marketing requirements of entrepreneurship because they are reflective of the way start-up businesses handle innovation and environmental and social issues (Chen, 2009, 214). .
Changes in academic requirements are critical for the survival of business schools, because if managers are not learning proper communication skills, they may seek other forms of learning other than at higher institutions of learning. Technology and globalization will continue to grow at a rapid rate, and academia may not keep pace with associated changes in the business environment. If academia does not keep pace with the needs of businesses, the gap between them will increase. Individuals holding BS, BBA, and MBA degrees may not have the required skills preferred by managers to sustain the organization in a competitive global market. A significant concern is that college educators may not teach current environmental and social issues across all fields of study for organizational sustainability (Butler, 2012). A paradigm shift has taken place in industry from traditional thinking to a more modern thinking regarding innovation and creativity in the workplace. Employees would need to update their problem solving and analytical skills on a continuous basis and leaders would need to know how to manage those skills for organizational sustainability, especially in times of economic stress (Teece, 2010, 194). .
With rapidly changing technology, green initiatives, and social impact issues, business needs are changing significantly; therefore, managers must rethink the hiring process for optimizing the workforce to meet the requirements for organizational sustainability. The manager should hire employees who can change tasks quickly, are team workers, and can communicate effectively. However, the manager should be sensitive to employee safety and health concerns.