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Ethical Theories of the Death Penalty

Opponents of the death penalty include the Presbyterian Church, which states on its web site that "The use of the death penalty tends to brutalize the society that condones it. " (n.d.) Likewise, the Lutheran Church is anti-capital punishment, but does recognize the government's authority to use it only if failing to use it causes obvious danger to society. The church questions whether or not it can be used in a fair manner, and says "It perpetuates cycles of violence. "(September 4, 1991). The United States' religious population is also made up with some more Eastern religions. Buddhism is completely against taking or causing the taking of life. The Islamic Qur'an states: " and take not life, which God has made sacred, except by way of justice and law (6:151). " Even the official policies of various religions do not always reflect the views of individual members. This sample of religious policies and teachings clearly shows that this country is split right down the middle in their views regarding the death penalty. There must be examination of other considerations in order to evaluate the ethical correctness of capital punishment.
             Some proponents of the death penalty argue that people who are convicted of capital crimes should not live out their lives in prison at the expense of the taxpayers. Opponents say that executions are too costly. Others argue that it serves no purpose, especially as a deterrent.
             According to Erlich (1975), the possibility of a death penalty does not serve as any more of a deterrent than does the possibility of life-imprisonment. In other words, if a person is considering murder, knowing that he or she would receive a capital punishment sentence rather than a sentence of life in prison makes no difference in that person's decision. Increasing the severity of punishment above a life sentence does not serve as any more of a deterrent (Erlich, 1975).

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