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Airlongways 2011 Bahrain Edition Busines Similation

Therefore we have sort to use the industry average flight fares not only to attract. .
             The combination of the chosen routes was determined by a simulation that put various variables in place. The variables that were used to determine the route were the traffic i.e. the number of individuals travelling, the popularity of the route, high traffic day's availability of slots in the various airports and also the air traffic controls. In addition to these variables, the determination of the routes was the licenses that are available to the airline.
             In this year the company will sort to improve its marketing endeavours in order to improve the company's image in the public domain. The marketing message to be passed out to the clients will be the strengths and competitiveness of the company. In addition, the marketing team will try its level best in changing the image of the airline capability.
             The proposed flights per week as follows.
             1. Bahrain - Jeddah once a week.
             2. Bahrain-Moscow once a week.
             3. Bahrain - Luxor thrice a week.
             4. Bahrain - cape town once a week.
             5. Bahrain - London five times a week.
             6. Bahrain – Perth twice a week.
             7. Bahrain – Manila twice a week.
             The flights will see an introduction of two routes to the airline schedule that is, Bahrain – Perth twice a week and Bahrain – Manila twice a week. This is with an aim of tapping in to this market.
             Summary of the flights.
             Bahrain to London.
             The plan is that this year the airline will have five flights to this destination. The reason to this is that the destination is a high traffic destination. As a result, it is prudent to capitalise on this destination in order to maximise of the revenue possible. In addition, the airline has sufficient licences to facilitate the flights. As most of the travellers travelling on this route are business people hence the need to offer the individual a business class in their travel this will aid in increasing the revenues collected per flight.

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