The church claims that homosexuality is immoral and against the will and words of God. As stated in the Bible, Leviticus 18:22, "Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable." This clearly states that homosexual acts are wrong and hateful. Marriage according to them is union between a man and a woman. It is a union wherein the male and the female becomes one in mind, soul as well as in body. And with that union, comes a child, who becomes their sons and daughters; their main purpose must be to create a family. With this being said, it is evident that the union that comes along with same-sex marriage cannot bear a child. Thus, defeating the purpose of marriage. Along with marriage comes family – a family is defined as unit in the society with parents and children. Since they cannot bear a child, they cannot create a family as well. This also threatens the population, as there would be a scare that if same-sex marriage would be legalized, a lot of homosexuals will come out and with this, there would be less people who would reproduce. Another claim that the anti gay marriage people are presenting is the culture of having a heterosexual couple is a better environment for the children. A heterosexual marriage is the ideal unit of a family. Timothy Dailey, of Family Research Council claims that homosexual parenting creates a different environment for the children, putting them at risk. .
To refute their arguments, first, it is true that marriage is a sacrament that needs to be respected but homosexuals are able human beings that are able to show respect too. They can also respect the solemnity of the sacrament and treat it with reverence. Second, I am aware that it is a sin and I am sure that people of the community are aware of this too. People have their own and different natures of sin. If being sinful is against marriage, then people who lie, cheat, steal, etc.