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The Coaches Playbook

             Actions speak louder than words. As a coach, one always needs to keep in mind that they are an exhibit to their athlete and team. Athletes tend to watch every move a coach makes because a coach will always be important to them. If you want your athlete to develop character, one needs to demonstrate good character for ourselves. Coaching for character does not mean you must be a paragon of virtue. It's just another way to model moral behavior as to introduce your athletes to heroes and heroines in sport and life through stories and news reports. It's a good thing to do as a coach. One can make them reflect on their own stories and goals through the guidance that the coach creates for his/her athletes.
             Teachable moments will arise, but as a coach one needs to be prepared to respond to them in the appropriate way. A coach can do that by making character development a priority and establishing routines. This is important to me because the way that society passes on its values can reflect on the future generation and what's to come. Having our athletes practice respect by asking them to shake hands with the opposing team teaches them to develop god citizenship habits within the team. As a coach one should encourage responsibility by developing routines for putting away equipment and cleaning up the locker room after practice. .
             Part 1: Principles of Coaching.
             Chapter 5.
             Coaching Diverse Athletes.
             There are always gender differences when it comes down to masculinity and femininity in sports. We learn through our culture to associate certain characteristics with one sex or the other. Usually the myths we hear today are that women aren't physically capable of playing sports. It's the coach's responsibility to encourage girls to participate in sports. One thing to keep in mind is when speaking to students, parents, and the public; a coach should always deliver the message that every sport should be an equal opportunity employer and that no one should feel discouraged to be a part of the organization.

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