S. economy. Unfortunately, the public debate over gun control flares up following every horrific shooting incident such as the most recent shooting outside a grocery store in Tucson, Arizona (20 victims). "The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." ~Thomas Jefferson.
Almost immediately after a 22 year old gunman (Jared Lee Loughner) allegedly shot 20 people outside a Tucson grocery store (killing six) including a federal judge (John Roll) and critically wounding an Arizonian representative (Gabrielle Giffords) many Democrats in Congress began discussing the possibility of additional gun legislation.
However, on 16 January, Representative Mary Bono Mack did give an interview to the Desert Sun in Washington and stated America doesn't need "knee-jerk" gun-control legislation in response to the Tucson shootings. Bono-Mack responded by saying "Most importantly, we need to better understand how people like Jared Loughner slip through the cracks." Additionally Bono-Mack stated "Clearly, he is a deeply troubled man and all of the warning signs apparently were missed or ignored. Trampling on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens won't solve that problem. We need to avoid knee-jerk reactions during times of crisis" (Barton, 2011). According to reports, Jared Loughner bought his semi-automatic Glock handgun two months after he was expelled by a community college for threatening online postings, officials said (Tandon, 2011).
Thank goodness Representative Bono-Mack is not the only level headed Representative in Washington. Representative Devin Nunes also stated his support for Bono-Mack's response by stating "No law, however well intentioned, will take weapons from people committed to using them for violence. It simply disarms the law-abiding public.