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Theatrical Piece - Urinetown

            Org website, "Nearly a billion, 884 million people do not have access to clean and safe water. 37% of those people live in Sub-Saharan Africa". Although we live in a world where people in different parts of the world are in desperate need of water, we continue to waste water. If we as a society continue to consume water at the current rate, two-thirds of the world's population will face water shortages by 2025. The severity of this problem should be understood by our audiences and people around the world in order to prevent a place or rather the concept of Urinetown from becoming a reality. The shortage of water affects each individual in our society, so our goal is to make sure that this play addresses this issue to the fullest and give people a glimpse of the disastrous world without water. The day this nightmare becomes a reality, it will lead to a corrupted world where the elites of this world take full control of our every move and go as far as making pay to use public amenities. .
             As the director of this play, I have chosen to take a futuristic approach because it is something that is bound to happen if we as a society continue to consume water as we do today. Living in a third world county, Ethiopia for half of my life has taught me the importance of water. Over half of the populations in Ethiopia don't have access to clean water. I have been aware of this issue since I was a child, so I instantly wanted to educate my audiences and allow them to change their lifestyle. Since this a worldwide issue, It will not just be a problem for one city but will target all regions. As a result, I will be creating different districts that are controlled by the Urine good company. In the fictional novel, "The Hunger Games" written by Suzanne Collins, there are 12 poor districts that are controlled by the Capitol and every year children are forced to fight to death to show the power that the capitol has over the people.

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