Over 2,000 same sex marriages began that day. This was the beginning of the rising of gays and lesbians. .
In 1989, the California Bar Association declared that gay marriage, will be legally recognized in the city of Seattle and in San Francisco. In May 1993, Hawaii declares that same sex marriages cannot be denied. And in 1998, Alaska also, claims that they will not deny the right to marry to the gay community. Even though Hawaii seemed positive for allowing same sex marriages, the Hawaiian community showed otherwise, according to the votes, gay marriage became banned in May 1998. The same thing happened for the state of Alaska in November 1998. .
Going to the year 2000, US Rabbis allowed gay marriages to be held in their churches. They agreed to perform religious ceremonies for gay couples, and they also claimed that no one should be denied the right to marry because we are all God's creation. This was a massive turning point for gays for the reason that now they had the support of a church in the US. Gay marriage, wasn't only a controversial topic here in America, but also in many countries. Saying this I would like to point out that the Netherlands became the first country to legalize same sex marriage in April 2001. .
Gay marriage was at its highest peak, but seemed to be going down again when Nevada banned same sex marriage in November 2002. The Nevada community, didn't only vote once about gay rights, but they voted twice and both times, banning gay marriage overruled. But in other countries legalizing gay marriage seemed to be popular. In February 2003, Belgium legalized gay marriage. It was now the second country in the world to legalize same sex marriage. In Ontario Canada, same sex marriage was also legalized. They said that any same sex couple that wanted to get married, should be given a marriage license immediately. Another place that legalized gay marriage was British Columbia, the court of appeal even changes their definition of marriage.