For example, the first recording of healthcare reform was in 1883 when Germany created the first universal health care system (Healthcare Reform 515). Health care was first discussed in America after the civil war, subsequently post war conditions caused the need for basic health care for veterans (Healthcare Reform 514). The Massachusetts Plan also illustrates healthcare in America. The Massachusetts Plan expanded coverage to all American citizens in 1988 (Healthcare Reform 517). This plan changed Medicaid funding to give more subsidies to its recipients to get insurance, set up a statewide regulated insurance market (insurance connector) (Healthcare Reform 515) . The insurance connector was set up to force insurers to compete against one another based on quality and price for benefits (Healthcare Reform 516). The connector allows people to have many health care options at good prices, which is a positive for health care reform (Healthcare Reform 515). The Clinton Plan was proposed in 1993-1994(Healthcare Reform 515) . This plan was a health care over haul plan, meant to maintain large public coverage programs while, creating private insurance markets; which allowed people to buy tax subsidized plans for low income people (Healthcare Reform 517). This plan required all employers to contribute to this plan and not many of them were enthusiastic about this because of its high costs as well as its complicated regulations (Healthcare Reform 517). Congress did not like the Clinton Bill, because many Americans did not like the idea of higher costs and lower quality (Healthcare Reform 517). There were many attempts at health care reform before the year 2009. But, 2009 was the right time for Health Care Reform in America because the white house, senate and the house were democratic. .
Formulating Policy.
Formulating Policy is the second step in policy making (Davidson 403). Formulating policy is necessary in creating policies such as health care reform because, health care reform was on the agenda and the following step would be formulating potential solutions (Davidson 403).