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Summary of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

Victor is nervous on his wedding night because the monster said he would be with him on his wedding night. He sends his new wife away to be safe, ironically the monster kills the wife, and in what Victor thought would be a "safe place." Sadly after returning home Victors father dies, this sets Victor over the edge, and his only objective in life now is to kill the monster. Victor dies of sickness before he can get his revenge, but the monster stands over Victor's dead body with intense sadness. The monster kills himself to end his life long suffering and sadness. .
             Mary Shelley uses many literary devices, and criticisms. The one I find most interesting is her ability to use cultural criticisms and how it ties into our every day lives. Victor Frankenstein uses electricity to create his monster, without this discovery Frankenstein would have never been able to make his monster. Education is a very high value in Geneva. Victor attended a very good school, and was very well educated. In Geneva there are few natural resources, so education is there pride and joy. Approximately 25 percent of the population works on machine industries, Victor worked with machines and tools to create the monster. The machines and medical tools he used could very well be linked to the tools modern surgeons use today. For example Victor used an amputation saw, which was basically a saw with a curved blade made easy to cut through bones. The saw he used influenced the ideas to make a more efficient way to amputated limbs, now we have electric saws and scalpels. Another major advancement in the medical field was a tourniquet, this was used to make sure that patients wouldn't lose too much blood; Victor would have used this to create his monster. In the 1700s, known as the Enlightenment Era, the idea of bringing life from death was very popular, even some of the world's smartest scientists and experts thought it was plausible.

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