Empathy, which falls under moral sensitivity, is the understanding and being aware of the feelings of others, is heavily impacted in autistic individuals as they find it very hard to so. Their moral judgment i.e. "judging which action is morally right or wrong" is impaired and they do not have much moral motivation i.e. the desire to put moral values ahead of other values, all because of their disability. .
Secondly, the night before Lucy's first day of school, Sam was reading to her "Green Eggs and Ham". After a while, Lucy told Sam that she had to go to sleep because she did not want to be tired for her first day of school. However, Sam kept insisting to continue reading and eventually, decided on reading just the introduction. While Sam did not understand the necessity of a complete 8hour sleep in a child's life and was unable to ensure this, which is one of the prime responsibilities of a parent, Lucy realizes its significance and tries to incorporate it in her lifestyle. Driven by his id, Sam unintentionally forces Lucy to stay up only because of his desire to constantly read the book. He fails to recognize his daughter's situational needs in respect to her age. Had Sam been a developed parent, he would have realized that it is morally wrong to force your child to stay up and would have instantly put the book away, letting her go to sleep. Sam's unawareness of this common practice of going to bed early on school nights and several other similar ones, is directly related to the autism he suffers from. These basics are learned mainly through social interaction, engaging in which is one of the biggest struggles faced by individuals who share the same disability as Sam. He has no clue about it and this is only one instance, but as Lucy grows up, several similar ones will arise and inevitably, Lucy will be disadvantaged because of her father's lack of knowledge which as stated earlier, is a consequence of his disability.