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Text Telephone in a Deaf World

Just like any new invention there will be faults and the TTY had its share. .
             Problems with the Early TTY.
             chnology was incompatible with modern communication technology, like computer modems. However, that hitch was improved. Todays TTYs and computers are equipped with Baudot and ASCII. Baudot is the communication code used by TTYs, and ASCII is the code used by computers. These codes make TTYs and computers compatible. TTYs have come a long way since the 1960's. Now they are available in a variety of models, from the most basic and inexpensive to highly sophisticated, computer-like models and compact, pocket-sized TTYs. With all the advancements of TTYs they have also become easier and more convenient to use.
             How the TTY is Used.
             Using a TTY sounded complicated to me at first but as I continued my research, I began to understand more about it. The TTY lets a person who is deaf or hearing-impaired carry on a telephone conversation just like a hearing person would. To use a TTY, you set a telephone handset onto special acoustic cups built into the TTY. After the acoustic cups are in place the typing can begin! The message will be typed on the TTY's keyboard and as it is being typed the message is sent over the phone line. This happens just like a voice being sent over the phone line. As the other person reads the message, they can respond and their message can be read on the TTY's text display. .
             The TTY callers must take turns typing; the conversation can not be interrupted. How does one or the other person know when the conversation is finished? A polite code is used among all TTY users. SK (Stop Keying) or SKSK (Stop Keying and Hang Up) are used when the conversation is over, and GA (Go Ahead) is the code used when they person typing is finished with his/her thought. Today, TTY relay services can be reached by anyone by dialing 711 from a telephone or TTY and it gets even better. TTY is now available on cell phones!.

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