Likewise, through Robbie pondering on the pain and destruction such as the indifference with which men could lob shells into a landscape or the fact that soldiers use artillery without knowing or caring who was there, Robbie contemplates on his guilt in playing a part in the acts of violence which transgress all human decency. Therefore, he feels the need to atone for his role in the war. However, by asking "You killed no one today? But how many did you leave to die?" he highlights how he had not helped enough people and how he feels immense guilt as a result. The fact that Paul Marshall seeks to make a profit out of the war shows the lack of morality present, especially since war profiteering was seen to be an immoral act during the wartime. The idea of profiteering is also present in The Crucible whereby the Reverend Parris is seen to seek golden candlesticks for the church, since within the Puritan society, the people were meant to live a minimalistic lifestyle in which they live with only the necessities. Therefore, by seeking to have luxury items, whilst himself being the head of church, highlights the breakdown in society and the lack of morality present as it is this indulgence which leads, if indirectly, to many of Salems troubles.
The texts acknowledge the role the female antagonists play in bringing forth destruction within society, with both Abigails and Brionys actions having chaotic consequences. In 'Atonement', Briony falsely accusing Robbie of raping Lola on the basis of his letter to Cecilia which contains the word cunt, which is satirical of the attitudes of the Upper Middle Class in the 1930s. Thus, when Robbie eventually reflects the reasons behind her accusations, he experiences a flashback to a scene eight years previously where he is teaching Briony to swim and then learns that she had a crush on him. The constant repetition of I love you from Briony had initially caused an impulse to laugh, however, upon thinking about it, he realises that his rejection of her love was most probably the reason behind her false accusations of him being the rapist.