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Blues and Early African American Religious Music

They desperately were trying to avoid anybody having a problem with slavery, which would abolish their income and lifestyle. They used the topic of Christianity as a peacemaker of sorts. They stated that Christianity was kind of a blanket religious, in that it was very accepting of everybody. All races, all social classes, all genders were included. This way of uniformity many have paved the way for more black rights and the obliterating of racism in the future.
             However, even under the umbrella of Christianity, being a slave was drastically different than being a free Christian. Because everything was lowered (money- and status-wise), so were the spirits of the African Americans. This made them much more susceptible to religion. Throughout history, a lot of people have looked to religion to help them through exceptionally rough times. Even though slaves were forced into Christianity and, for all intents and purposes, began to believe it, it was hard to break the habits of their older African ways. This provided a comfort in this new world. An example of one of these habits would be voodoo. This consisted of "entire congregations allowing themselves to go into hypnotic trances " which translates into being "totally submerged in the Spirit " (Davis WIJ, 76). These hardships that they were now facing caused a lot of African Americans to cling to whatever they could to seek contentment. This sentimental was shared with people of different faiths as well.
             Another faith that found solace similar to the slaves was the Jews. A modern expression "misery loves company " can be used to describe the relationship between Early African slaves and those who were Jewish. They were both very accustomed to the world of suffrage. In fact, many African Americans looked to Jews as a goal of sorts. The Jewish people were seen as being "[delivered] from extermination " by God (Davis AAM, 132). This was extremely inspirational to Early Africans.

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