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Movie Summary - One Year in the Life of Crime

Mike was the youngest of the three men, he was only twenty two-years-old, he was an extremely proud young man. Some of the criminal activity that he had participated in included the following: stolen car, criminal mischief, shoplifting, trespassing, theft, and stolen property. He did not care about what other people thought. He was more on the aggressive side and did not like at all when his pregnant girlfriend would not obey his orders. He was constantly abusing her by hitting her and having her locked in a room on her own. Mike was supposed to attend a court hearing about his bail but he instead jumped bail and was hiding out from the cops hoping not to be caught up in the law. But he was found and was sentenced to jail time. Rob is a twenty six-year-old man that has committed several different crimes some of which include: shoplifting, assault, and larceny. Fred is a twenty nine-year-old man and some of the criminal activity that he has been recorded with is: drug possession, larceny, shoplifting, assault, resisting arrest, theft, and stolen property. In the beginning of the film it shows how the court had already sentenced Fred to jail for a year but had accidentally released him after only serving two months in jail. Almost as soon as he gets out of jail he goes on with Mike to steal some goods out of a store. .
             Differential Association: .
             According to the differential association theory this states that criminal activity is learned and therefore it is passed on by the criminal exposure that they receive based on the contacts that they known and are mainly involved in criminal behavior. I believe this theory clearly describes and relates more to Mike since he is the youngest of the three of the men and he basically learned everything he knows from both Rob and Fred. Mike is surrounded by criminal activity at all times of the day. Mike learned everything he knows from the so called expert, pertaining to Fred since he considers himself a professional shoplifter.

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